Change User Role

Change User Role

What is change role?

Change Role is used to change the designation of the teachers/tutors in order to give them additional roles or to reduce the roles.

Note: Only Super Admin can change the roles.

How to change role?

To change the role go to: Users >> Teachers >> Settings (Click the gear icon on the respective teacher name).


Roles and Permissions

Roles that we have currently are: Super Admin, Admin, Teacher.

Super Admin: Will have access to all the features of the software.

Admin: Will have access to most of the features but he will only be able to handle the assigned branches and not all the branches.

All the below-listed options will not be accessible by Admin

  • Dashboard

    • Income table

  • .Courses & Content 

    • Courses

    • Question bank

    • Class Recordings can be seen but can’t download/delete

    • Category

    • Sub-Category

  • Batches

    • Institution Schedule

  • Users

    • Change Roles

  • Student profile

    • Installment edit 

    • Can’t remove from the course program

    • Payment 

      • Can’t edit/delete the payment.

      • Can’t add discounts

  • Sales

    • Payment Transactions

    • Payment Settlements

    • Promo codes can be seen but can’t edit

    • Referral Wallet

    • Pricing Templates 

    • Miscellaneous fees

  • Leads & Enquiry

    • Can’t see counselor wise enquiries

  • Website and App setup

  • Reports

    • Branch Statistics 

  • Settings

    • Institution profile

    • Branches

    • Field Customization

    • Integration

    • Billing

    • Master data

      • Boards

      • Standards

      • Slots

      • Religion

      • Occupation

      • Qualification

      • Source

Teacher: Can only access the assigned course and live classes and can also add content and create the online exercise.

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