Promo Code

Promo Code

Promo Codes


This section will assist you in adding, editing promo codes as per your requirements. Promo Code will also help you get a report for the number of registration and admission done using the same.

Create a Promo Code:

You may create your promo code using these steps:

  1. Go to Sales->Promo Codes

  2. Click on the Add Promo button present on the right of the window.

  3. Fill in the form with the required details.



Is Required


Code Text


Mention the name of the promo code.



Mention any particular description you want to assign to the promo code



Mention the discount in %, you want to provide for the particular promo code.

Max. Discount Amount


Mention the discount in amount and the maximum allowed discount here.

Start Date


Mention the date of the start of promo code.

Expiry Date


Mention the date till which you want the promo code to last.



Is required


Select package


Mention the Package you want your promo code to be added.



Mention the branch for which the promo code should be displayed.

Add more


You may click on Add More, if you want the particular promo code to be updated for more than 1 package.

       4. Click on Create to get the same updated on the system.

Edit Promo code:

You may edit the details of any particular Promo code, the same can be done by following these steps

  1. Go to Sales->Promo Codes

  2. Select the Promo code you want to edit, click on the Edit button present on the right.

  3. A form with previously mentioned details opens up.



Code Text

Edit the name of the promo code.


Edit the description that was previously provided on your end.


Edit the discount in %, you want to provide for the particular promo code.

Max. Discount Amount

Edit the discount in amount and the maximum allowed discount here.

Start Date

Edit the start date of promo code.

Expiry Date

Edit the date till which you want the promo code to last.

Select package

Edit the package to which the promo code has been assigned.


Edit the branch you want the promo code to be applicable to.

Add more

Click on this to add any packages to be linked to this promo code.

  1. Click on Update to save the changes.

Promo Code Statistics:

To overview the report of Promo code, follow these steps:
  1. Select the Reports.

  2. Select Promo Code Statistics from the same.

  3. This report displays the details such as




Name of the Code.


Displays the discount in %.


Maximum discount available.

Start Date

Mentions the Start date of the promo code.

Expiry Date

Mentions the end date of the promo code.


Checks if the promo code is in active or Inactive state.

Total Registered

Number of registration done using Promo code.

Total Admitted

Number of Admission done using Promo Code.

For any issue with usage of Promo Code click here or you can use our chat widget present on our portal.

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