Student Management

Student Management

Student Creation & Management

  1. Click on the Users tab, present on the left side of the screen.
  2. This window shows the list of students present in your academy.
  3. Click on the drop down option present for the student on the right hand side.
  4. The following options can be viewed on the students window:
    1. Actions
    2. Filter Tables
    3. Generic student filter

Student Account Creation

Manual updating:

Can be used for normal account creation of students by entering their details manually one after the other. It can be

  1. Click on Actions Tab which  give you the option to add students into your academy
  2. Add Students will give you the option to "Create a Student Account"
  3. Add Student to Multiple Batches will give you the option to "Add the selected students from the list to multiple batches"

  1. Click on Add Students and you will have to enter the following information to create a student account.

Mention the mail id of the student.
Mention the name of the student here.
Contact Number
Mention the contact number of the student.
Set Password
Set the password for the student to login.
Enter the registration number for the student.
Mention the branch name for which the student needs to be admitted.

Also there is an option called as bulk upload for the students which can be uploaded on to the website, the file must be in .csv format. 
A sample file is provided in the pop-up modal, where you can enter the details such as S.No., Name, Email id, Password and Contact Number ( all these 5 tabs are mandatory) post which the file can be uploaded on to the portal.
You can also select the branch into which the students should be added into.

Add students to Multiple batches

This option will enable you to add students into multiple batches.
  1. For this you would have to select the added students by clicking on the checkbox provided.
  2. Once selected then click on the actions and Select "Add students into Multiple batches"
  3. You would get the option to select the batches where you can add the students in just a couple of clicks.

User Account Changes:

Once the Student account has been created the following options will be visible on the page.
  1.  Edit Details
  2. Show Schedule
  3. Student Notes
  4. Reset Password
  5. Archive

Edit details option can be used to edit the details  that were entered during the student’s enrollment. Once the details have been uploaded on the pop-up that is shown below click on ‘Update’.

Show Schedule shows the students schedule for the student along with the dates and the timings of the classes that he is enrolled into.

Student Notes provides you the option to view any history of the student and also mark him as Leave (left the batch) or Completed the batch prior.

Reset Password enabled you the option to create a new password for the student. 

Archive students will delete the student and also the courses he’s enrolled into. Click on OK to confirm.
the student can also be "Un-archived" by clicking on the Archived Students filter

Student Profile

Clicking on the students name will open their profile which shows their profile details along with the courses enrolled into and fees they have made payment for.  Apart from the student details which were entered while adding the student additional details such as the branch to which the student is assigned to.
The list of things that are displayed on the student’s profile are as follows:
1. Admission details
2. Examinations
3. Certificates
4. Inventory list
5. Referrals
6. Admission Fee
7. Registration
8. Payments
9. Cheques

  Admission details

This tab will give a detailed view on the student’s details, fees payment, courses they have enrolled into and their respective batches.

The following details can be observed on the page that’s displayed to you. 
1. The total payments that has to be made, payment made by the student, payment that is pending and the Overdue amount.
2. Record payment- Manually adding the payments that are made by the student.  The following pop-up comes up to record the payment made. Once the necessary updates are made click on ‘Update Payment’ so that it gets recorded and gets displayed accordingly.

Once updated the payment would reflect in the Payments tab in the page as shown below.

3. Enroll in a package- Get a student enrolled in a package manually 
The Record Payment and Enroll In Package can be used to make records in case the student is already existing when the academy was created or the student is getting enrolled in person. The below pop-up would be displayed when the option is clicked to enroll the student in a package.

4. Show Schedule- The student’s schedule day wise along with the class timings and the respective tutor.

5. Add to Batches- To manually add the students to any batch as per the enrollment processed. You will get the list of batches that are available in the branch as shown below, once the batch has been selected click on update and the student will reflect back in the select batch. This option is chosen when the student is getting into multiple batches for different courses.

 Registration Tab
This shows the registration status of the student.

The cheques tab shows the status of the cheque payments that the student has made. 
To have this detail first the Payment recorded mode should be in Cheque. Only then it would be reflecting here and changes can be made accordingly.


This tab will give students an view of the exams they have completed and their respective scores accordingly. It will also show the percentage they have acquired in each exam.


This tab will give you the option to view the certificates awarded to the courses they have completed with minimum requirement of marks or grades (only available if opted by the academy).

Inventory List

This will help you identify what are the stationary items or study materials that were provided to the student. 
The Inventory can be added manually for each student individually by Clicking on Assign items.You will get the pop-up as shown below. 

The Inventory History shows the previously provided Inventory Items if any.


This will help you to get the list of students whom they have referred to this academy which will enable them to earn credits (available only if the referral wallet has been enabled by the academy).

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