When a student logs in to your portal this how his Dashboard would look.
Explore All Courses:
When a student clicks on it, all the courses offered from your institution will be visible to the student from where they will be able to make any purchase for a new course they would like to purchase from your Academy.
My Certificates:
The students can view all the certificates awarded to them from the institution on completion of courses successfully (If issued by the institute only). From where they will get the option to download it.
Messages & Profile Settings:
On the top right hand side they will be able to view the option to
Message to a particular tutor/admin & also access their profile from where they can make necessary changes to their account or fill in any details as requested by the institute.
The scheduler display window will help them to
Join the live classes scheduled for them. The text of live class not started will change into
Join from where they can click and join their live classes. (Only schedules with Virtual tag are live classes). All classes for the day would be visible here and their attendance status once marked by the course tutor would also be visible to the student.
They will also be able to view their Monthly Schedule for which a calendar with all the details would pop-up.
My Courses:
In this tab they will be able to view all courses they have enrolled into .
Continue Learning:
When the user clicks on Continue learning they would be taken into the course from where they can continue learning their teaching materials.
View details:
When the user clicks on
View Details the following page would be displayed on which there are multiple options where they will be able to view the entire details of the course they are enrolled into.
The student would be able to see the course progress and the curriculum of the course and their progress individually along with the course duration of start & End date.
Admission Details
This tab will give them the details of payments made by the student and if there is any pending amount will also be displayed here.
Schedule & Attenadance
Under this tab the student would be able to view all the attendance of the class they have taken part into and also from where they will be able to view the Live class recordings once the class gets over.
This tab will give them the option to view any upcoming exams for this particular course and view their details.
This tab will give the option to view the certificates awarded for this course by the institute from where they will be able to download it.
This tab of Exams on the Dashboard will give the student details of all the exams (Online & Offline) created by the institute for all the courses for which the student has enrolled themselves into.