


Webhooks empowers users to seamlessly integrate third-party tools and create custom workflows triggered by specific events within the platform. These events, such as course completion or user enrollment, serve as catalysts for actions in external applications. The interface enables users to set up, manage, and test webhooks efficiently, facilitating seamless data exchange and automated processes.

How it helps

  1. Customization: Users can tailor their workflows by linking Edmingle events to actions in external tools or systems.

  2. Automation: Simplifies and automates communication with CRM systems, tracking conversions, and more based on defined triggers.

  3. Efficiency: Provides a streamlined interface for managing, testing, and monitoring webhook activities

Accessing Webhooks

To access Webhooks, follow these steps:
  1. Log in to the Admin portal.
  2. Look for the sidebar menu on the left and click on the "Settings" option.
  3. Click on Integrations from the menu on the left sidebar
  4. You should see an option for Webhooks on the sub-menu listing the types of integrations available

Here’s what you will see on the page:

The page will list all the Webhooks which have been created, if any. You will see buttons to access the documentation for reference, and a button to create a new Webhook. We allow users to create only 10 Webhooks on the platform. In case you need more Webhooks, you can raise a ticket by sending the request to support@edmingle.com.

Creating a new Webhook

To create a new Webhook, click on the New Webhook button on the top of the page. This will redirect you to the Webhook configuration page. To create a new Webhook, you to provide the following information on the form:
  1. The name of your Webhook configuration,
  2. A valid URL of your Webhook. This URL must be validated with a success status code of 200, 201 or 204 with a JSON response. You will not be able to activate the Webhook if the URL is not validated,
  3. Select at-least 1 event from the list. There is no upper limit on the number of events you can select from the list.

Events supported

While we continue to update the list and include more events under Webhooks, we support the following events today:
Event type
Events supported
User created
User updated
Purchase initiated
Purchase completed
Purchase failed
User course completed

Handling Webhook failures

When a Webhook call fails, 4 additional attempts will be made from our system to call the Webhook URL after 5 minutes, 1 hour, 3 hour and 6 hour. Upon a total of 5 failures, including the retries, for a specific Webhook, the Webhook will be marked as Inactive on the system.

The system will not be posting data to the URLs of the Inactive Webhooks, till they are marked Active again. You can do the same by re-validating the Webhook by clicking on Mark as Active.

Webhook logs

Each time a data is posted to the URL of a Webhook, we store the logs for the same. You can view the logs for a Webhook by clicking on the menu option on the Webhooks listing table, and clicking on View Logs.

You will only be able to view the latest 100 logs upto a maximum of 30 days, post which the logs will be archived. For each log, you will also be able to view the JSON payload which was posted to the URL.

Plans supported

The Submissions Tab feature is available for users on the following plans:
  • Premium
  • Enterprise


Q1. What are Webhooks?

Webhooks are automated notifications sent from one application to another when specific events occur in the sending application.

Q2. What happens if my Webhook URL fails validation?

If the URL fails validation, an error message will be displayed, and the validation button will remain inactive until a valid URL is provided.

Q3. Who can access Webhooks on the Admin Panel?

Users with the following roles will be able to access Webhooks:

  1. Super Admin
  2. Admin

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