Product Features
Overview Webhooks empowers users to seamlessly integrate third-party tools and create custom workflows triggered by specific events within the platform. These events, such as course completion or user enrollment, serve as catalysts for actions in ...
DRM Encrypted Videos
Edmingle now allows the video content to be uploaded in DRM (Digital rights management) encrypted format. This will refrain the student base to download the video content and only admins have the authority to download the videos. To access the ...
Device Registration
A lot of our clients shared their concern that the learners share their credentials further and with one single account, a lot of users are able to access the content. Therefore, we now have given our clients the ability to restrict the number of ...
International Selling
The feature enables educators to sell their courses internationally in more than 60+ currencies. This feature allows you to add multiple currencies in the system and the course fees will be displayed to the end user based on their region, but only if ...